Data analytics powered by generative AI

Unlock the power of conversational analytics

Integrate it your way with Compose SDK

Your data, explained

Frequently asked questions
What is generative AI?
What is Sisense Analytics Chatbot?
What other ways can I create a conversational AI tool for my product?
How is the Analytics Chatbot different from the Simply Ask feature in Sisense Fusion?
What data privacy and security controls are in place?
Will chat interactions become LLM training data?
Can Sisense Analytics Chatbot handle my data schema?
How do I know if the answers generated by the Analytics Chatbot are accurate?
What can I do to improve the quality of the results?

GenAI, in-context analytics, and the future of data monetization

Explore other resources

How to drive analytics adoption with generative AI

GenAI, in-context analytics, and data monetization

How to supercharge your analytics with GPT language models